To provide optimum health care for all Canadians, governments, groups and organizations must work together to share information and resources. The Competency Framework is a key tool for this interdisciplinary structure as it promotes standardized palliative care across disciplines. While CSPCP’s training programs are currently focused on physicians, locally, some programs have plans to expand training to social workers and other allied health professionals who are interested and involved in community health. The CSPCP will use the Competency Framework as a tool in the development of curriculum to assess the skills and competencies of the professionals who will provide palliative care. Using the framework will also ensure that patients and their families can feel confident that their care providers have received standardized training. Every person that CSPCP trains is one more person who has the knowledge and skills to provide care to someone with a life-limiting illness or chronic disease.
In terms of human health resources, Dr. Kaya believes that the Competency Framework provides a good business case for the appropriate staffing needs for palliative care as it enforces the importance of interdisciplinary palliative education and teamwork. As health care professionals use this framework for staffing purposes, Canadians will have greater access to better palliative care, which currently can be difficult to access depending on factors such as location and diagnosis.