Technological advancements have created new options for care delivery. Today’s innovations enable the integration of monitoring and therapeutic systems, provide educational opportunities for providers, care recipients and their families, and facilitate effective and timely communication and data flow between healthcare team members. These mobile, user-friendly solutions will fundamentally change our approach to health care and enable people to be more independent in their homes, remain in their homes longer, and be more engaged in the self-management of their conditions.

Technology-Enabled Home Care

Reflecting a blend of need and opportunity, provider organizations, governments and researchers have identified ways in which new information and communication technologies can improve people’s health while simultaneously improving efficiencies and reducing care costs. The most compelling opportunities for health care are the new technologies that can:

  • Integrate monitoring, diagnostic and therapeutic systems.
  • Promote and respond to real-time data and communication flow among providers, families and individuals receiving care.
  • Enhance education and training through multi-media.

Digital Transformation – Lessons Learned for the Journey Ahead

Insights from digital transformation journeys, why data management and cyber-security is a top priority for home care and how artificial intelligence can be used to deliver better service.

Quick Facts

Telemonitoring saves an annual system cost of about
$1,557 per patient
Paré, G. et al, (2011). Home telemonitoring for chronic disease management: An economic assessment.

Tele-home care reduces personal travel costs by
$70 million a year
Gartner Inc. & Praxia Information Intelligence (2011). Telehealth Benefits and Adoption: Connecting People and Providers Across Canada

76% of seniors
reported already using social media networks to communicate with friends and family
Revera (2012). Revera Report on Tech-Savy Seniors.

Wearable health technologies are worth
$52 billion globally
reported already using social media networks to communicate with friends and family
Gartner data, 2020


A partnership between Healthcare Excellence Canada and Canada Health Infoway, Virtual Care Together, supporting healthcare providers with tools and training to deliver safe, high-quality virtual care.

Summary of three key challenges needed to over come in order to achieve health care transformation enabled by technology. Download

Presentation on the home care priorities and how technology can address challenges. Download the Presentation

This High Impact Practice describes how a national home care provider implemented a mobile technology solution and customized application to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness, relieve frontline staff of their administrative burden, and improve client service. Download High Impact practice